How To Find Cougars On Snapchat

How To Find Cougars On Snapchat

Everybody thinks Snapchat is just for the millennials. That could not be further from the truth. People of all generations use the app and it is helping cougars and cubs hookup. The tricky part is finding cougars on Snapchat. It can be hard if you don’t know what you are doing. There are a few tricks that make it a ton easier. A lot has to do with just using the app correctly and knowing your way around the Internet but there are one or two little secrets to help you find cougars on Snapchat. >> DOWNLOAD SNAPCHAT HERE

Use the Filters To Find Cougars On Snapchat

Come on. You knew this one. When you fill out your profile, you get to choose what you are interested in. Everything from gender to location is customizable. Maybe you didn’t realize age is one of those filters. Simply adjust the age range to the one that suites your desires. You may also find other types of filters and services useful in your cougar hunt. Do yourself a favor and learn to use Snapchat backwards and forwards. Make sure you know everything it can do for you and how to do it so you can get the most out of the app.

Browse the Profiles To Find Cougars On Snapchat

What better way to find cougars on Snapchat than to see for yourself? For best results do more than just look at the profile pics. Dig deeper. Read her bio and check out everything else she offers her followers. The more you know about her, the more information you have to make a contact decision. Look at more than one photo too. You always want to look at every situation from more than one angle.

Keep Your Eye on the New Arrivals To Find Cougars On Snapchat

Sign up for alerts on new members. Success at anything requires staying on top of the newest developments. You have to know when the new arrivals come on the scene because you never know when the perfect cougar will appear. You only get one chance to make a first impression, so you want to be as far ahead of the game as possible. Knowing about her before she knows about you is a good first step.



Draw Cougars to You

The easiest way to find cougars on Snapchat is to get them to come to you. Make your profile a cougar magnet. List your preferences for cougars and make it public. She will be looking for certain things in a younger man’s profile. Don’t make it hard for her to guess. Use clear, close selfies without a trace of another woman. Use the filters, special text, and silly colors. Fill your profile out fully and make sure all your information is authentic and rings true. You want to be approachable with a clear interest in cougars.

Sixty-second Snaps Helps You Find Cougars On Snapchat

Use the 60-second Snap filter a few times. Its 60-seconds of video that you can use to attract cougars. Put your best foot forward. It doesn’t hurt to be a little extra when it comes to these little videos. The point is to make an impact and be something that sticks in her memory. Be so irresistible that she just must contact you.

Find Cougars On Snapchat With Video and Audio Chats

Take full advantage of the video and audio features Snapchat offers. They are fun ways to Snap with cougars who enjoy getting in on all the new technology as much as the next guy. Use audio to send her a song or show her your new wallpaper. Its just another way to get close to the cougar you’ve been courting.

Finding cougars on Snapchat is easy once you know what you’re looking for. It is not much different than looking for any other age group of people. The difference comes when you try to keep her interest. Cougars have great bullshit detectors aren’t much for the games of youth. You have to come with you’re a game and more than a few lame pickup lines to get past Snapchat. You’ll have to have a personality. You will need to be able to hold a decent conversation and be interested in more than sports and Game of Thrones. Learn to use Snapchatin your favor, but brush up on your personality skills too.